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October Update

New School Year – On September 4th we started a new school year at our Colegio El Buen Samaritano (The Good Samaritan School) in La Yaguita. This year we have 60 students enrolled from ages of 2 to 7 years old. As always, the children will be learning Bible, Math, Reading in Spanish and English, etc. We are extremely excited about the new school year and are honored to be entrusted with the education of these students. If you’d like to be a part of this project and play a role in the life of one of our students we’d love to have your partnership! You can sponsor a child for $30/month which covers school uniform, nutritious breakfast, maintenance costs for the school, as well as insurance for the teachers. Please let us know or visit our sponsorship page if you’re interested in this and let’s begin the partnership today!

In addition to our elementary school in La Yaguita, we also kicked off a new year at our Esteluve Theology Seminary in downtown Santiago. We currently have a group of 25 dedicated students studying Christian Theology, Greek, English, etc. Our ultimate goal with this project is to train up pastors who can go out to evangelize the unchurched areas of the Dominican Republic.


Monte Cristi Hurricane Efforts – During the month of September the Dominican Republic was hit by 2 major hurricanes. One of the most affected areas of our country was the community of Monte Cristi on the Northwest coast. One of our newest ministries is located there and has been led by Pastor Josue. Many people were affected by the flooding and required assistance. Pastor Josue and congregation has pitched in and is helping out as much as possible. Please be in prayer for the ministry in Monte Cristi to continue growing and being blessed by God. Also pray for the community as they try to rebuild and return to a sense of normalcy. Our desire is that God uses us to glorify Him during this time and that we would have an opportunity to show His love in the wake of disaster.


Community Bible Studies - Our full-time staff in the Dominican is serious about evangelism and discipleship. Currently, our brothers Jonas and Santos are leading several studies in the community of Pastor. The studies cover topics such as The Plan of Salvation, The Purpose of Christians, and Forms of Baptism. We believe that it is extremely important to meet the members of our communities where they are. As such, these studies are held in homes rather than in our church building. Jonas reported, this past month, that the study regarding Forms of Baptism generated a lot of good questions and discussion. We're always excited to hear news such as this since this is exactly our goal: to learn and grow together as the body of Christ. We are excited to continue this type of outreach with our brothers and sisters in Christ.


New Website - Deleon Ministries is excited to announce the launch of our new website! Our domain has not changed so you can still find us at the same location: Please take a moment and check it out. You'll find information on the many projects that are going on within the ministry as well as information on how to support them. You'll also find information on visiting us and a member's only resource page for mission trips. Finally, make sure to visit our child sponsorship page and get signed up to sponsor one of the children attending our school in La Yaguita! We'll be continuing to make improvements to the site and are interested in your feedback so please drop us your comments and suggestions on the contact page.

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